Book Launch - The Silk Road: A Living History
I am delighted to announce the launch of my new book - The Silk Road: A Living History. The book will be available for pre-order in April/May and will ship in September.

Retracing the Silk Roads - podcast
I was kindly invited by The Barakat Trust and Asia House to speak on this podcast about my journey across Eurasia and about the work of the Aga Khan Development Network that I witnessed en route.

Travelling the Silk Road: From London to Beijing - a talk
Over a period of four months in 2019, I travelled 40,000km overland by car, bus, train, ferry, horse and camel from London to Beijing traversing sixteen countries.
In this talk, I share my experiences of the varied people, places and cultures I encountered and speak about the work of the Aga Khan Development Network along this most celebrated of trade routes.

‘The Silk Road: A Living History’ exhibition
An open-air exhibition documenting my 40,000km journey along the world’s most celebrated trade route. 8 April - 16 June, Granary Square, King’s Cross, London.

Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar
Considered one of the first shopping malls of the world, construction of the Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar began soon after the conquest of the city by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

The Gobi Desert at Dunhuang
On the edge of the Gobi desert in Central China is the town of Dunhuang. The name Dunhuang means "Blazing Beacon" and refers to the beacons lit to warn of attacks by marauding nomadic tribes during ancient times.

The lonely caravanserai at Tash Rabat
In a remote valley of Naryn province in eastern Kyrgyzstan, not far from the border with China, you can find the remains of a 15th century caravanserai called Tash Rabat.

Kashgar, ancient Silk Road trading hub
A selection of photographs from the ancient Silk Road trading hub in the westernmost corner of China’s Xinjiang Province known to the Uyghur community who live there as the Republic of East Turkestan.

London to Beijing along the old Silk Road
Dear friends, in two weeks I will be embarking on the most ambitious trip of my life, the trip I always dreamed of. I will be travelling from London to Beijing by land crossing 17 countries and 40,000km over four months.