Vestiges of Zoroastrianism in Iran
Religion Christopher Wilton-Steer Religion Christopher Wilton-Steer

Vestiges of Zoroastrianism in Iran

Yazd is Iran’s unofficial capital of Zoroastrianism; one of the world’s oldest continuously practiced religions and Persia’s dominant religion before the the arrival of Islam in the 7th century.

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Life and death along the ghats of Varanasi
Religion Christopher Wilton-Steer Religion Christopher Wilton-Steer

Life and death along the ghats of Varanasi

I had barely slept the last few days so I asked the proprietor of the hotel for a quiet room. He paused briefly and then meeting my eyes said: “this is a very difficult place to find peace.” Ironic, I thought, since this is where people come to die.

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